• 3 июня 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Столярный пер., 3, корпус 1

#hseXchange night

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Другие события организатора

1786 дней назад
3 июня 2019, начало в 18:30
Столярный пер., 3, корпус 1

#hseXchange night is an informal event after the orientation session, which will help you to get ready for your semester abroad.

During this event you will have a chance to get answers to all your questions about studying abroad. We will create the perfect atmosphere and invite foreigners from the countries of your destination in tandem with experts, who are burning with the idea of ​​mobility and willing to share their experience with you. Together you will have productive and entertaining discussions, so you can get all essential information from the first hands, and we will offer you (light) snacks and drinks to make the evening even more enjoyable.

And after the event you can join us at our afterparty!


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