• 5 декабря 2018, среда
  • Москва, Loft «Фотофактура», ул. Маросейка, 7/8

HSE Exchange Night

Регистрация на событие закрыта

Sorry, the registration is closed!

If you still want to join please contact us at facebook.com/groups/hsexchangenight and be sure to shortly describe yourself (e.g. "Nominated for an exchange, Berlin, Humboldt-Universität") when requesting to join the group!

Unfortunately we will not be able to accept plain requests without Timepad registration ;)

Другие события организатора

1969 дней назад
5 декабря 2018 c 18:00 до 22:00
Loft «Фотофактура», ул. Маросейка, 7/8

HSE Exchange Night is an informal continuation of an orientation session. In a stylish loft, you will have the opportunity to get answers to questions that concern you before the trip. In order for you to spend the evening productively and better prepared for study abroad, we will invite foreigners who will tell you about the subtleties of the countries to which you go, and students who already have experience of academic mobility. Together you can discover important and essential information for the exchange student first hand, and we will offer you (light) snacks and drinks so that communication will proceed easier.

Already two streams of students went on mobility after our event. The secret of our success is that we create a unique product that will help you feel more confident while studying for an exchange. To our previous background of the event, we add new experts who are burning with the idea of ​​mobility and want to share it with you and relevant topics for discussion, then win the Student Initiative competition and hold a high-quality and elegant event whose value is in transferring experience from people who are on the same wavelength with you!


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