• 29 ноября 2018, четверг
  • Москва, co-working space of Faculty of Social Sciences at Krivokolenny Pereulok 3

Silent Lesson

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2277 дней назад
29 ноября 2018 c 19:00 до 20:30
co-working space of Faculty of Social Sciences at Krivokolenny Pereulok 3

Speak louder than words

Sign Language is much more than gestures. It is a beautiful, yet difficult natural language with its own grammar and lexicon. Having Sign Languages in your store knowledge not only adds a bonus on your resume, but gives you a possibility to contribute to community volunteer services.

During Social Inclusion Days you will have a unique opportunity to become acquainted with charming and graceful Russian Sign Language. At our workshop you will learn some basic phrases, such as greetings, goodbyes, and telling about yourself, and  the icing on a cake  useful phrases for going to the theatre due to the Silent Theatre Night on November, 30.

So, add one more language to your linguistic background and join us on Russian Sign Language Workshop!

If you have any questions, please contct with Anya Petukhova.

WHAT: Silent Lesson
WHEN: November 29 (Thursday), 7-8:30pm
WHERE: co-working space of Faculty of Social Sciences at Krivokolenny Pereulok 3

WHY: to prove that not only Italians are good at gestures


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