• 16 мая 2018, среда
  • Москва, Myasnitskaya 9/11, room 325

Culture Café: Serbia, Syria, Siberia

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2474 дня назад
16 мая 2018 c 18:30 до 20:30
Myasnitskaya 9/11, room 325

A heartwarming hello to you! We hope you are well and had a great time. But its almost the end of holidays, so be ready to get back to studying with more enthusiasm and motivation.

This time we prepared a fun and entertaining Culture Café dedicated to Serbia, Syria, Siberia. Complete nonsense?

We don’t think so! Many foreigners often confuse these two countries and a Russian region. We are here to help you to get a greater perspective of these areas. During our Culture Café you’ll learn the peculiarities of Syria and its great history, the similarities and the differences between Russia and Serbia, and the last but not least, get to know more about Siberia that the famous cold and the bears.


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