• 21 марта 2018, среда
  • Москва, Мясницкая, 11 ауд. 426 // Myasnitskaya 11, room 426

Culture Café: France

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2530 дней назад
21 марта 2018 c 18:30 до 20:00
Мясницкая, 11 ауд. 426 // Myasnitskaya 11, room 426

One outstanding writer once said: “…if you want to enjoy yourself in France, the thing is to get to know some real French people”.

We can’t but agree with a classic of American literature, Francis Scott Fitzgerald: in order to fully understand and appreciate this beautiful country, you need to know les Français. They will tell you every insight of their culture, that can never be found in a travel book. During our Culture Café you will learn much more than the Eiffel tower, Napoleon and frog legs. Marvellous white beaches of the Côte d’Azur, the best cuisine in the world (sorry, Italians), the center of the European cultural life and the center of haute fashion — it is all about France. Well, we can keep counting on the things that French people have made a great contribution to: music, literature, social science, cinema and many more. Already in love? Come with us on this beautiful journey through France!


With love,

ESN HSE Moscow


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